Tuesday, December 4, 2007            6:00 P.M.









Committee Present: Carol White, Chair, Jen Belesca (6:12), Beverly Johnson, Ken Pelton, and

  Jerry Wiles (6:05).

Administration: Alton L. Hadley, III, Superintendent/Principal


Guest: Herb Maine, Selectman



1.                   Call to Order

Ken Pelton, acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM


2.                   Flag Salute

Pelton led the Committee and others present in the salute to the flag.


3.          Approval of Agenda                                                                              (A)

Motion to accept the agenda with the addition of a presentation by Herb Maine, Selectman.

Moved- White, seconded- Johnson                              Approved                  3-0-0


4.          Approval of Minutes- November 6, 2007                                  (A)

              Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on November 6, 2007.

              Moved Johnson, seconded- White                                Approved                  4-0-0


5.          Correspondence                                                                                       (I)

Hadley reported a letter from the Maine Small Schoolıs Coalition requesting support to oppose consolidation.  The Committee acknowledged receipt of the letter but choose not to support financially.

Hadley also reported that he had received correspondence from NEUME the firm that has been providing water-testing services for the last six months.  Since White is now certified as a small water system operator and can provide those services, Hadley will notify NEUME that the Department will not be extending the contract.


6.          Public Comment

Committee members indicated that they had been asked why CIS is not included on school closings.  Hadley will work to include in the future.


7.          Reports                                                                                                         (I)(D)

·         School Board Chair

White stated that she was interested in pursuing an Energy audit for the VIS.  Hadley will seek more information.


·         Superintendent/Principal/SPED Director

Hadley distributed the Teacher monthly reports on ³what is happening in the classrooms at CIS².


8.          Old Business                                                                                              (I)(D)(A)

a.       Policy ACAA, ADC, ADC-R, ADF, and AD

Motion to approve Policy ACAA- Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students

Moved- White, seconded- Johnson                    Approved                  5-0-0


Motion to approve Policy ADC Tobacco Use and Possession

Moved- White, seconded- Pelton                         Approved                  5-0-0


Motion to approve Policy ADC-R  Tobacco Use and Possession Administrative Procedure

Moved- Johnson, seconded- White                    Approved                  5-0-0


b.       Continue Goal Setting

This item and the remaining two Policies were tabled until the next meeting.


9.          New Business                                                                                            (I)(D)(A)

a.                     Warrant #8

The Committee members reviewed and signed the Warrant #8


b.                    November Financial Report

Hadley distributed the Financial Report for November and reported that the Budget continues to be in good shape and on target.  He will continue to monitor the cost of energy supplies.


                                         Motion to approve the Warrant and Financial Report as distributed

                                         Moved- Johnson, seconded- Johnson                         Approved                  5-0-0


                                         c.     Herb Maine

                                  Maine stated that he was in attendance to request a member of the School

       Committee to meet with the Town Administrator to establish a protocol for       

       the budget process.  He also asked that the Superintendent be included in    

       the process.  He distributed a graphic explaining the process.


       Following a discussion of duties, meeting schedule and expectations, Ken    

      Pelton and Beverly Johnson volunteered to participate as representatives of    

       the Committee.


10.       Other Business

·         Hadley reported that he had received two fuel oil bids and that they appear to be close to the same number.  He asked the Committee to allow him to meet with the Town Administrator after they had opened their bids.  Perhaps the Town and the school could combine forces.


Motion to have Hadley meet with the Town Administrator prior to resolving the oil bids

Moved- White, seconded- Johnson                        Approved                  4-0-1 (Belesca)


·         Hadley asked for a volunteer to serve as the School Departmentıs representative on the Comprehensive Planning Committee (Planning Board).  White indicated that she would represent the committee but would involve others as needed.

·         Johnson brought up the issue of transitioning from Gr. 5 to the Greely MS.  It will be discussed at the December 18th Committee meeting.  Johnson will invite students to attend to provide feedback to the Committee.

·         Pelton expressed how well the Open House was organized, especially Pre-K.  White will send a letter on behalf of the Committee expressing thanks to the Staff for an event done well.

·         Belesca reported the Tree lighting/Kids recognition by the CPA would be on December 15th at 4:00 PM.

·         The Holiday Concert will be held at the Hall at 7:00 PM


11.       Adjourn




A- ACTION                           D- DISCUSSION               I- INFORMATION